15 Ridiculously Photogenic People Who Go About Life Looking Like A Million Dollars!

With social media becoming one of the core ingredients of our life, people are always up for being snapped in order to share it with their friends. So, how to look good in these pictures? According to some relatively unknown blogger, the key to being photogenic is, raise eyebrows slightly, look above the camera, smile with your eyes, keep your tongue behind your teeth, and hide your double chin. But if your pictures are still not as expected, don’t blame the blogger. As you can do your bit in front of the camera but what’s behind it, is a completely different story. You never know what angle the photographer is going to choose? Would it flatter you?

But that is a risk you should be willing to take as you never know you might get some flawless shots or maybe some embarrassing ones to laugh on. However, when we are deciding whether to keep the picture or not, there are some people who despite running a marathon or being in a headlock, look great in photos and we are left questioning ‘How???’ Checkout the ridiculously photogenic people while giving some pity looks to yourself.

#1 Mr Oh-so-perfect on a mission!

This guy is practically glowing and looking like a breathe of fresh air among the exhausted, serious and slightly pained people around him. He looks like he’s out for a casual stroll, not running a marathon.

#2 The Girl With Fire And Still Smiling!

She has literally been leaping over fire and it doesn’t even look like she’s broken a sweat. Compared to the guy behind her with a red face and a grimace, it almost looks like this could be photo-shopped.

#3 The fearless beauty!

The girl has a giant eagle on her arm and still she looks completely flawless and not at all scared or afraid, which anyone could be. She could be named as the ‘Girl From The Kingdom Of Eagles’.

Check out people captured in their natural selves on the NEXT page.

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