Abandoned Pit-Bull Had The Most Heart Wrenching Reaction To Being Abandoned…But Is It The End?

Dogs are often termed as man’s best friend. They are known to stay right by their owner’s side through thick and thin, never wavering. They are completely dependent on their owners and rescuers for food, shelter and affection, but unfortunately, some of them are oblivious to this fact. These days many dogs are found wandering the streets, starving, neglected and abandoned by their careless humans. For some reason, people have grown insensitive to even that one creature that has undying loyalty and affection towards them. That is exactly what happened with Electra, a Pit-bull who was abandoned by its owners.

Electra, a beautiful dog, recently went through a rather emotional breakdown.

This adorable little canine was heartbroken when he found out that her owners have left her and they won’t be coming back. The abandoned 4-year-old Pit-Bull mix was surrendered to a dog shelter by her family. Although, there’s nothing new about dogs being given up for adoption or, in some cases, even be put down.

But it was the grief-stricken look on Electra’s face when she realized she had been left behind that caught the attention of thousands.

She was left at the Inland Valley Humane Society in California on May 17.  A video was then taken and shared on Facebook of the pup’s face after she realized her family was not coming back for her has gone viral.

Find More About Electra On NEXT Page.

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