Emily Petrozza’s Brief Encounter With Poison Ivy Gives Evil Little Sister A Chance To Pick On Her!

Our siblings are the first friends we make, probably because they are the first people we are introduced to after our parents when we come into this world. Though there maybe some love hate moments along the way, such friendships generally last forever. After all, the bond is extremely strong and the friendship, really special. From feeling jealous of each other and fighting for remote controls to making some great memories, the childhood spent with our siblings is one thing that everyone cherishes when they grow up.

Looking back at the time, these playful fights and pranks are the things people miss the most. Hopefully, the 21-year-old Emily Petrozza from Connecticut will be rolling on the floor when nostalgia would hit her years from now.

Anyone who has ever been afflicted with poison ivy knows that it’s pure, unadulterated hell.

Emily was going through the same when her sister was having fun trolling her on social media. The whole thing started at a weekend when Emily noticed she had a poison ivy rash on her arm, after a day spent fishing with her friends and playing with wild cats.

Since she’s had poison ivy rashes before, she wasn’t too concerned.

But things were not exactly looking up. Right after she took off her contact lenses on the Sunday night, she developed red bumps around her eyes. That’s when her sister, Lauren, took some pictures and then the two went to bed thinking the bumps and rashes would be gone by the next morning.

Go To NEXT Page To Find What Happened Next Morning.

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