Incredible Indian Couple Replants An Entire Rainforest After 26 Years Of Hard Work!

The couple wanted to create a private wildlife sanctuary where the animals could be protected.

“When we first came here, most of the lands that were sold to us were abandoned lands,” Pamela told.  She continues, “Abandoned rice fields, coffee, and cardamom fields as well. A lot of deforestation had taken place. And that took a lot, a lot of care and energy and time and years to bring it back.” Well, all their efforts have seemed to pay off seeing the current condition of the land.

They were determined to achieve their goal and are proud of themselves today.

To bring the area back to life they had to plant various indigenous trees  all by themselves and many of them hold medicinal value. Thankfully, the situation has all changed and  describing how the environment has changed, Pamela said: “I remember walking through the forest you wouldn’t hear anything but the sound of your own feet. Now the place is alive with sound.”One of our main sound-makers are the cicadas.”

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