More Than Just Teeth and Fillings

headaches and migraines

Most people think these are a result of stress, the wrong foods, or they are simply things that occur and nothing can be done about them. Well believe it or not, headaches and migraines can be resolved at a dental clinic. People’s bodies should work in constant harmony and that includes a symmetrical alignment of the teeth. They may not always be perfect but if the alignment is out of sync in one key area, it can produce an unnatural balance hence causing unnecessary aches and pains.

A dentist in Gloucester will be able to discuss the cause and effect of conditions known as bruxism or temporomandibular disorder (TMD) and at dental clinics like Implant and Ceramic Dental Studio, such disorders are acknowledged and assessed to see if realignment or other treatments can solve the problem.

What is bruxism or TMD

Bruxism is the grinding and/or the clenching of teeth and jaw. This can occur during sleep or even when awake. Temporomandibular disorder (TMD) is characterised by a clicking or popping sound when chewing. It is associated with the upper and lower teeth being out of alignment. Temporomandibular Disorder can also be exacerbated by bruxism. Both these conditions can be the cause of numerous ailments including neck, shoulder and back pain, discomfort when chewing food plus headaches and migraines.

How can these conditions be treated?

Bruxism occurs more often during sleep so a dentist in Gloucester will usually recommend this be treated through the use of a mouth guard worn at night. If it is a case of jaw-clenching, exercises such as sticking the tip of the tongue between your teeth will train the jaw muscles to relax.

To treat temporomandibular disorder a dentist in Gloucester will need to make an assessment in order to advise the best course of treatment. Treatment may be available as a minor trimming in a non-invasive way, after which a small removable acrylic ‘bite raiser’ is offered to be worn over the next few weeks. This ‘bite raiser’ is worn to reduce stress on the jaw.

Headaches and migraines are not something to just live with, especially if there is a possibility of reducing or even removing them completely.