This ‘Average Guy’ Photoshops Himself Into Celebrity Photos And The Results?….HILARIOUS!

#13. Will You Stop Already?

Either Rob has developed a sleeping disorder or everyone else is extremely boring.

#14. That’s a pretty shoulder to sleep on!

We’d love to take Rob’s place in this. Won’t we?

#15 The mediocre adventures of an average dude

On a serious note, when asked Rob about the reason for his shenanigans he explained that this is something that he does for fun and for making people laugh. Hence, they are the mediocre adventures of an average dude.

 #16 On a quest to make the world smile a little

 He further added. “It’s pretty much based on how I feel at that moment. I’ll just make whatever I think is funny,” Rob said. “I just want to make people laugh — too much pessimism and hate in the world. More smiles, please.”

Well with all the posts that we have seen so far, it’s safe to say that so far he’s accomplished his mission.

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