This Awesome Story Of Parenting Done Right Will Make Your Day!

 “She usually has A LOT to say, so it was great seeing how surprised she was,”

While it might be hard for you to cross paths with your exes, these guys did something terrific. Seeing her second set of parents at her dream vacation was a bit overwhelming for the little girl. Her father Joseph and her stepmom Brianna were planning this from a long time and they were happy to see it working out well. Joseph later shared “It was hard to keep the secret because we were so excited to surprise her,”

To add to the surprise Brianna had designed t-shirts for everyone.

The design of the t-shirts was in the classic Disney logo font, all of the parents’ shirts sported “#Co-Parenting” on the back, with their role in the family on the front — while the front of little Maddie’s shirt showed her name, with “#BestDayEver” on the back. That takes co-parenting to the next level.

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