THIS Brazilian Model Is Catching All The Eyes These Days, Despite Having A Huge Spot On Her Face!

But instead of being embarrassed, Mariana embraces her difference and has shown it off in a series of stunning modelling shots.

As Mariana grew older, her birthmark became darker. A stylist assistant by profession, she said “I feel more beautiful and totally different from other people because I have a nevus she further added ‘Having a nevus that is as large as mine is not common, so of course there are many people who stare and who don’t like it, but I don’t care.”

“A lot of people ask me about my birthmark, sometimes they think it’s makeup or a tattoo but I don’t mind and explain it to them. ‘Some people do like it, others don’t, some love it and others hate it – I get a very mixed response'” said Mariana.

Large congenital melanocytic nevi affect one in every 20,000 births and are caused by an increased amount of pigment beneath the skin – giving the area a darker appearance. In 1998, Mariana received lightning sessions to help make her birthmark less visible. While mentioning her mother’s fear she said: “When I was a child, for fear of me being bullied, my mother took me to the doctor for laser treatment to clear the nevus ‘As I only had a few sessions the results were very little and almost unnoticeable.'”

Find Out How Mariana Reacted To Lightning Sessions On NEXT Page.

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