Cats are playful, mischievous! You’ll either find them sleeping in a corner or strolling on the ceilings; there’s no in between. Hence, most of the cat owners can relate to the struggle of finding their cats since there’s no suitable place for them to dawdle around. To deal with the same problem, Rebbeca Mountain came up with the best ideas of ‘catifying’ her friend’s new house.

Credits- Rebecca Mountain
Eliza and Tiffany bought their first house together and were going to move into it with their seven cats along with their three dogs.

Credits- Rebecca Mountain
So it was imperative to create a ‘cat only’ place for them because dogs can get pretty aggressive while marking their territory. Therefore, as soon as Rebecca saw the pictures of the new house, she knew just the perfect gift for them.
The cats were to meet each other for the first time and given the animal menagerie, Rebecca decided to use the space to her advantage.

Credits- Rebecca Mountain
Considering the home had vaulted ceilings and an ‘open concept design’, Rebecca saw it as being ‘ideal for creating vertical spaces for cats’. A beautiful stone central fireplace was a major focal point with long beams running the entire length of the house.
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