A Year After A Heart Breaking Miscarriage, This Gay Couple Announce Pregnancy Again!

One of the cruel facts about life is that one moment you might be counting your blessings and feeling happy about your life and the next moment it might be taken away from you, leaving you in disparity. However, if the happiness doesn’t last long, neither will the hopelessness because change is the only constant thing in life and similar is the story of this gay couple. After facing a miscarriage at six weeks they were again blessed with a child the very next year, read their story below.

Trystan Reese, 34, and Biff Chaplow of Portland, Oregon, revealed on a recent podcast that they will be welcoming a son this summer.

This indeed is a huge news for them as they had already faced a miscarriage at 6 weeks in the year 2015. The married couple announced the news on WNYC podcast, the Longest Shortest Time. This would be the third child they’d be welcoming at home after their two adopted children.

Trystan, who is transgender, suffered a miscarriage last year at six-weeks, but the couple got to trying again right away.

Things didn’t come easy the second time round, Trystan wanted to wait for a year before conceiving again but the complications of restarting again and then going off testosterone again led to the dads trying again right away. During the process, they had their doubts of having missed their only chance but thankfully that wasn’t the case. Then, six months into trying, Trystan woke up feeling sick. After Biff took the kids to school, Trystan took a pregnancy test and discovered the good news.

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