This 10 Year Old Boy’s Crazy Make Up Skills Will Make You Take Down Some Notes!

It is the era of equality and there aren’t any gender biased jobs left. Well, whoever said that was probably right. You might have seen women taking up jobs like those of a blacksmith or naval officers. At the same time men are also taking up female-centric jobs like – makeup artists. Talking about the male makeup artists the story of Jack is taking over the internet making him a sensation for being the best makeup artist there is.

A person’s age might not be of relevance when it comes to following your passion and the good thing about that is, it is bound to bring success. Above that, the power of the Internet today enables people to showcase their talent to more and more people and from around the internet.

Jack the 10- year-old make-up sensation.

The child rose to fame after a  Facebook page VibeswithBae posted a video of him conducting make-up tutorials with the caption, “You walk into your son doing this, wyd?” and it racked up 57 million views. The gifted child who doesn’t speak throughout the clip is seen expertly applying an array of beauty products from foundation, blush, lipstick and false lashes to his face with the confidence of an artist with years of experience.

His skills are truly fascinating with a winged eyeliner, some masterfully blended contour and a killer glitter cut crease, he seems to know it all!

He’s being wildly appreciated for his exceptional talent and he is giving all the make-up artists like Manny Gutierrez, James Charles, and Lewys Ball a run for their money. One can only wonder if a child so young can do all this what all will he achieve when he grows up.

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