21 Times Wrong Number Texts Resulted In Epic Fails… #14 Is Hilarious!

We’ve all received wrong number texts, and we know how dealing with them can turn out to be quite exhausting. Especially when you have to explain it to someone who just wouldn’t understand. There is also the kind who won’t stop bugging you until you block them. But here are hilarious ways people dealt with their wrong number texts and they’re not only about to crack you up but might just teach you how to deal with them.

#1. Well, that’s one of getting new clients.

Now you know how to find a new lawyer, this seems to work pretty well for both the parties!

#2.Got a new member to add to the apology list!

But bro who shits in the car?
On the bright side at least she had the courage to own up to it!

#3. You just got trolled homie!

That was cool on so many levels of those guys sending back their pictures.

#4. We all feel ya bro!

It has happened with most of the people out there, so you gotta chill bro.

#5. Maybe that’s why you didn’t get the right number, compadre!

Well, he was slow to understand and that just might be the reason he got the wrong number. But no worries pal, it happens every now and then!

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