A Woman Wanting To Remove Her Tattoo Got A Permanent One, Thanks To This Tattoo Removal Cream!

In a Facebook photo album titled “Beautiful Pain”, Pasuda showed the terrifying effects of the tattoo removal method.

Rejuvi uses a chemical to soften tattoo pigments, which gradually move to the surface of the skin so that the tattoo peels off. Its website reads, “The time required for a treatment depends upon the removal area.” The method which is described as effective and much less expensive on the site came at an extremely high cost for her.

Pasuda said that halfway through the removal process, her wound was incredibly itchy.

The irritation was so unbearable that it would wake her up in the middle of the night because she felt like it would explode. As a result, she ended up peeling the tattoo away from her skin. She even told her Facebook followers that she does not recommend this form of tattoo removal to anyone and wishes she had paid more for laser removal instead.

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