Emily Petrozza’s Brief Encounter With Poison Ivy Gives Evil Little Sister A Chance To Pick On Her!

Things took a turn for bad next morning as Lauren was woken up by her sister’s cries.

Emily’s eyes had swollen shut overnight. When she woke up on the Monday morning, she couldn’t open her eyes and burst into tears at the sight of her swollen face in the bathroom mirror. “I didn’t recognize myself,” she shared recalling the incident, “I could see a little bit but my eyes were so swollen that it hurt to keep them open.”

After desperately texting everyone she knew for a ride to a walk-in medical clinic, she was relieved when her friend Allison Hoffman offered to drive her to a doctor.

But as she waited to be seen by a medical professional, Allison snapped a picture and sent it to Lauren, who had a rather obvious response. Deciding that her sister’s swollen face was too hilarious not to share on the social media, Lauren posted the photo to her Twitter page with the caption: “DON’T GET POISON IVY ON YOUR EYES”.

Go To The NEXT Page To Find Out More.

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