Lavinia Woodward, The Oxford Student Who Stabbed Her Boyfriend, Might Be Off The Hook For Being “Extraordinary”!

 The argument started when Woodward’s boyfriend, warned her that he would phone her mother due to her alarmingly erratic behavior on December 30, 2016.

Woodward admitted to a charge of unlawful wounding at Oxford Crown Court, a charge that would typically bring about a custodial sentence for the defendant.

 Judge Ian Pringle, however, delayed the sentencing for four months and said he will refrain from the usual prison term when he sentences her in case it damages her career.

The Judge said, “It seems to me that if this was a one-off, a complete one-off” and further added, “To prevent this extraordinary able young lady from not following her long-held desire to enter the profession she wishes to, would be a sentence which would be too severe.”

Find Out More About The Extraordinary Lavinia Woodward On NEXT Page.

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