This 70 Year Old Granny Is Turning Heads All Around The Globe With Her SUPER HOT Bikini Body!

 “Mindless eating can lead to unnecessary weight gain,” believes Carolyn.

Carolyn opines that the first two tips for women hoping to look their best are to do with their attitude and diet. She said, “I am an optimist even when I have challenges thrown at me I have learnt to stay positive. I have trained myself to remember the half the glass is always half full.”

Being a sweet addict, the journey was not smooth for Carolyn.

But she said, “I have been sugar free for 28 years. It was difficult at first as I was a sugar addict but I believe it is one of the most important reasons I have been able to keep myself healthy and keep my body shape.” So, she opted for an alternative called Xylitol that tastes and looks like sugar, but that is where the similarities end. She explained, “Research has shown that obesity in Australia has reached epidemic levels and sugar has been a major contributing factor.”

Carolyn told, “I make sure I eat protein with every meal especially breakfast. It stops the cravings.”

She also urges people to never deprive themselves of the food and drinks they love but to be careful of ‘portion size’. Also, sleep is very crucial, with Mrs Hartz trying to sleep for at least eight hours every night.


Check out what is the secret behind her incredible health on the NEXT page.

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