Did You Know That A Sunscreen Could Cause Your Skin To Burn? This Mom Found Out The Hard Way!

“When it came to having sunscreen on, I thought it was better to have some sunscreen than none at all,” Cannon told

Within a short span of time Kyla’s face turned red and started swelling. But the next morning the things went from bad to worse when she had started blistering. “She was red. She was blistering,” Cannon said. Her eyes were swollen shut and the baby was irritable.

It is then Cannon took her to the ER.

Kyla was diagnosed with second-degree burns by the doctors. That obviously worried Cannon and she couldn’t place the reason behind the burns. Since the weather was overcast and she had applied sunscreen over Kyla’s face. That’s not it, along with that Kyla had a hat on and was covered appropriately for the day. By now, the culprit seemed obvious.

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